Mother Blessing
We will work together with you and your loved ones to plan and facilitate a ceremony that honors you and your baby.
Before the ceremony, we will have an hour long planning meeting, where you get to vision out your perfect ceremony, and we help you figure out how to achieve it. Then, you will have continual access to additional text and call support from us throughout the rest of the process.
During the event, we will come early to set up, then be there to facilitate the ceremony, during which we may provide some or all of the following, depending on your preferences:
A fresh flower crown for the mama
Meditation, games, blessings, and song
Ceremonial painting of the mother’s belly
Ceremonial washing of the mother’s feet
A special gift for the mother to have with her at the birth, created by all those gathered, to remind her of their connections and blessings
You may also choose to have us document the event with Nadia’s professional portrait photography. After the ceremony, we will clean up.
A mother blessing is an opportunity for you to be showered in love, support, and blessings for your upcoming birth and journey into motherbood.
This is a powerful tradition that has been practiced in variation by all of our female ancestors, and we would like to thoughtfully support its reclamation.
We recognize that the concept of the mother blessing that has become popular in the mainstream birth world was was appropriated from the ancient Navajo ceremony, Hózhójí, which translates roughly to “Blessingway.” We want to acknowledge the neocolonialism present in the appropriation of this sacred Navajo (Diné) ceremony. We highly recommend learning more about the history of the ceremony here:
Lamaze , American Indian Healing Arts , Leland C. Wyman
We also highly encourage you to look into your own culture’s rituals around honoring the transition into motherhood, and we would love to incorporate those into your mother blessing.