Wild & Wise
a women’s circle for the second half of life
For women approaching,
experiencing, and past
Facilitated by
Michelle Ryan Yoga &
Wild Woman Birthkeepers
Most women spend a third or even half of their lives post-menopause.
It is truly a transition to be celebrated...yet our culture often leaves us feeling confused and fearful of this third life stage.
In intact cultures, the post-menopausal woman commands the deepest respect. She goes by many names: the Sorceress, the Crone, the Wise Woman, the Grandmother. In fact, Menopause is NOT the end of our lives as females: it is the start of a NEW and EPIC Season!
Wild and Wise is a chance to reveal our fears, share our successes and struggles with the menopausal transition, and be held in softness and expansion, by three experienced facilitators and educators of women. Nadia and Noli are joined by friend and colleague, Michelle Ryan, to lead this quarterly circle. Michelle has moved through her own menopause with curiosity and vibrancy, and she pours her heart into the work of reframing menopause and walking with women through the second half of life in connection and celebration. She is also a brilliant student and teacher of ashtanga yoga and ayurvedic medicine, and she approaches her study of menopause through these lenses.