Wild Womb Education

Fall Session 2024

September 4 - November 20

12 weeks of live classes

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern Time USA

ONLINE via Zoom

Plus continuous call & text support

Price: $425

$145 for previous students!

What is Wild Womb Education?

| Learn what they didn’t teach you. |

This offering is for women of any age who are interested in learning more about their menstrual moon cycles and living in deeper connection with their bodies. The skills we learn may be used to aid in contraception, conception, or simply to gain wisdom.

When you learn the truth about how your menstrual cycle works, and how to respect and cherish your womb, everything in your life opens up.

And we really mean everything.

Some examples of what they didn’t teach you…

  • Ovulation is one of your vital signs.

  • Hormonal birth control stops your menstrual cycle and has a massive impact on your health.

  • Natural, reliable, safe birth control is completely within your reach.

  • Many women and people raised female seeking fertility treatment are not infertile.

  • PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, and chronic menstrual pain are pandemics. This is not normal, you are not crazy, and healing is possible.

A fertility awareness chart. Photo by Sen Studio

Wild Womb Education consists of three main parts: cycle charting, cycle alignment, and womb care.

Cycle Charting

is the practice of using simple observation to track your health and menstrual cycle. We teach the Symptothermal Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which focuses on charting your two major fertility signs — basal body temperature & cervical secretions — in order to track where you are in your menstrual cycle, and learn about how your mind-body changes throughout. FAM can be used as an effective birth control method and as an effective way to conceive!

Cycle Alignment

is the practice of living your life in connection with your menstrual cycle. Living a life conscious of your cycle is living a life conscious of rest, light, emotion, spirit, earth, moon, sex, darkness, sisterhood, connection. To follow your moon cycle is to follow your joy! Our menstrual cycles mimic the seasons. They guide our energy and our creativity. When you are living out of alignment with your menstrual cycle, life, health, relationships, food, sex…everything can feel like a struggle. When we reconnect with our bodies’ natural rhythms, we can start to understand what needs our attention, and what does not; when it makes sense to push ourselves hard, and when it makes sense to relax.

Womb Care

is the practice of understanding, respecting, and supporting how your reproductive system naturally functions. Wild Womb Care involves learning your correct physiology and anatomy, removing hormone-disruptors and other body toxins from your life, and celebrating your female body so you can thrive because of your body, not in spite of it.

Our sessions will cover: 

  • A complete introduction to the single-check Symptothermal Fertility Awareness Method, supported by the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler (TCOYF)

  • Mapping the four female archetypes/seasons of the menstrual cycle, and learning how to live your life working with, not against, them

  • A complete re-learning of female anatomy & physiology

  • Support getting off of medicalized & hormonal birth control

  • Guidance using TCOYF effectively for natural, conscious contraception

  • Guidance using TCOYF effectively for natural, conscious conception

  • Unpacking and healing the story of your menarche (first period)

  • How to keep your womb healthy through all the stages of womanhood

  • A new take on healing PMS

  • … And so much more!


We also offer a Partners Class for male partners of people who practice Fertility Awareness Method. Email us for more information.

If conscious cycling interests you, we also recommend you join our FREE monthly Women’s Circle.


We are friends of Read Your Body (RYB), our favorite menstrual charting app, made by actual women who chart. RYB offers the best privacy and most customizable charts, without predictive software (which we love!)

When you take class with us you receive 3 months of free charting on RYB.